Hemidesmus indicus CO2 Extract

Hemidesmus indicus



Bengal & South India

Skin care & body care products

It reduces burning sensation and irritation of skin. It also gives cooling sensation to the skin and removes bad body odor.

Vanillin, lupeol
All allergens are absent
  Taste :


  Odor :

Like vanillin



Paste form (Butter form)



Creamy to yellowish brown

Solubility Easily soluble in oil / fat
Recommended Dose

0.05% to 0.2%

Manufacturing procedure Hemidesmus indicus CO2 extracts is produced by gentle Supercritical Carbon Di-oxide extraction from high quality of Hemidesmus indicus roots.
Special Features
-Free from solvent residues and heavy metals
-Highly concentrated
-Genuine flavor profile
-No microbial contamination
3 years when stored under proper conditions

1.0 kg, 5.0 kg & 10.0 kg., Larger packaging on request

On request